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Monthly Archive 12/31/2020

Video VK9MA Mellish Reef. From DXNews.com

Video VK9MA Mellish Reef, IOTA OC – 072, DX Pedition. Author – Eric, SM1ALH.

VP8DOI Halley Research Station Antarctica. From DXNews.com

Will, M0ZXA will be active as VP8DOI from Halley Research Station, Antarctica, January – February 2021.

8Q7MM Maldives. From DXNews.com

Massimo, IZ5KID is active as 8Q7MM from Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013.

Video EME Communication. From DXNews.com

The Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) Communications in which Ham Radio Signal sent straight up to Moon using directional antenna making using of the moon as a passive reflector and thus some part of the radiating signal reflects back to the earth that makes it possible to have long-distance communication.

D2FJZ Angola. From DXNews.com

Paulo, CT1FJZ is currently active again from Angola as D2FJZ.

14.12.2020-09.01.2021 JD1BMH

Period: 14.12.2020-09.01.2021DXCC: JD/OCallsign: JD1BMHChichijima Island (AS-031) by Harry, JG7PSJ. QSL via the Bureau to JD1BMH or direct to JG7PSJ.http://jd1bmh.webcrow.jphttps://twitter.com/jd1bmh

26.12.2020-30.12.2020 7C8M

Period: 26.12.2020-30.12.2020DXCC: YBCallsign: 7C8MGusung Toraja Island (OC-236) by members of the ORARI of Polewali Mandar Tipalayo DX Club. QSL via YB8BRI direct.

FM/F6BCW Martinique. From DXNews.com

Didier, F6BCW is currently active from Martinique, IOTA NA-107, as FM/F6BCW.

5H3UU Tanzania. From DXNews.com

Sergey, UT8UU will be active as 5H3UU from Tanzania, during first half of August 2021.

3D2AG/P Rotuma Island. From DXNews.com

Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, 3D2AG will be active again as 3D2AG/P from Rotuma Island, IOTA OC – 060, from end of December 2020 – Mid January 2021.

25.12.2020-26.12.2020 JA4GXS/4

Period: 25.12.2020-26.12.2020DXCC: JACallsign: JA4GXS/4Otsu Island (AS-117) by Kenji, JA4GXS.

14.12.2020-09.01.2021 JD1BMH

Period: 14.12.2020-09.01.2021DXCC: JD/OCallsign: JD1BMHChichijima Island (AS-031) by Harry, JG7PSJ. QSL via the Bureau to JD1BMH or direct to JG7PSJ.http://jd1bmh.webcrow.jphttps://twitter.com/jd1bmh

01.12.2020-23.12.2020 KT3Q/2

Period: 01.12.2020-23.12.2020DXCC: WCallsign: KT3Q/2New York State group (NA-026) by Bodo, DF8DX.

26.12.2020-30.12.2020 7C8M

Period: 26.12.2020-30.12.2020DXCC: YBCallsign: 7C8MGusung Toraja Island (OC-236) by members of the ORARI of Polewali Mandar Tipalayo DX Club. QSL via YB8BRI direct.

VQ9RA Diego Garcia Chagos Archipelago. From DXNews.com

VQ9RA. Randy, WW6RG will be active again from Diego Garcia, IOTA AF-006, Chagos Islands, starting 18 January 2021, as VQ9RA.

10.12.2020-20.12.2020 5T7OO

Period: 10.12.2020-20.12.2020DXCC: 5TCallsign: 5T7OOTom, DL7BO. QSL via DJ6TF.

9V1YC Singapore. From DXNews.com

9V1YC will be active from Singapore in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020.

18.12.2020-20.12.2020 6V1A

Period: 18.12.2020-20.12.2020DXCC: 6WCallsign: 6V1AGoree Island (AF-045) by John/6W1JX, Jul/6W1QL, Mael/6W1SV, Mouhamed/6W1TC, Ouzin/6W1PZ, Tafa/6W1KI and Yves/6W1TA.

18.12.2020-20.12.2020 JA4GXS/6

Period: 18.12.2020-20.12.2020DXCC: JACallsign: JA4GXS/6Amami Oshima Island (AS-023) by Kenji, JA4GXS.

14.12.2020-09.01.2021 JD1BMH

Period: 14.12.2020-09.01.2021DXCC: JD/OCallsign: JD1BMHChichijima Island (AS-031) by Harry, JG7PSJ. QSL via the Bureau to JD1BMH or direct to JG7PSJ.http://jd1bmh.webcrow.jphttps://twitter.com/jd1bmh