Comment on [QRT] Z60A – Kosovo by ZL4AX
What’s going on here? This station was running split on 30m from approx 0600utc to 0720utc 12 Mar 18. 10.112MHz. He was sending the wrong callsign ZB0A, definitely NOT Z60A for at least an hour in a split pileup (up1). I assume he’s incorrectly programmed a computer or memory keyer.
I recorded this and slowed it down to check with other hams that the call being sent was ZB0A. The whole world was working him and spotting him as Z60A on the Cluster.
ALL those qso’s are invalid for DXCC!! You can’t use a Gibraltar callsign in Kosovo.
If you worked him at those times…..GET A REPLACEMENT QSO or cry later….