Comment on TJ2TT – Cameroon by Tony VK3TZ
Please, please, please, Run a wire dipole or two from that bell tower to the pine tree or one of the light posts in the pictures and some long haul DX might actually be able to hear you. Those spider beams and 2 element yagis at 4m up are doing a great job of heating the ionosphere directly above the QTH. Now I know why signals are so weak. You’ve got a fantastic sky hook sitting right there! Why don’t you use it? Contrary to that, the Low band antenna look like an excellent installation there. Well done with those, very nicely done.
Good luck, TJ, 3C, 3C0, TY, TN are all very, very, very rare in this part of the world. Appreciate the effort and cost the team has undertaken but pacific DX will have absolutely no hope with 10m-20m antennas mounted at that height. Reminds me of the Navassa dxpedition with beams that were inaudible, but a piece of wire strung from that lighthouse at S9plus20dB (seemed to be used at start and end of dxpedition only).